Monday, April 25, 2005

Best day at school

First, I would want no classes, because if we had classes,
It would feel like I was at school doing the same old thing I have been doing through out my life so far, also why I would want no classes is because if I had to go in a class room there
Might be some work on the teachers desk and if I saw it that would put school back in my head instead of having fun with all of my friends.

Next, I would want a skate park made out of our school
“Cresthill Middle School”, because then my friends and I
could skate in our school and have fun with out any bothers
from any adults, or any other students.

Last, I would want no adults, or any other students besides my friends that my friends and I do not get along with at all
Because if something went wrong there wouldn’t be a big problem out of something that was a small problem and very

All in All, that’s what I would do if I were in charge for one whole school day if I had the chance to do it if I could.

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