Monday, April 25, 2005

corrosive mouse

Dumb choices

All the bad things you’ve done in your life, stealing that candy because if you didn’t have something sweet you’d have a spaz attack, breaking all the lights with your friends in your apartment complex, getting in that fight and if you didn’t you’d be bullied the rest of the year. Some dumb choices everyone makes. The past, what if you could change it all. If I could change the past I’d change all the bad decisions I’ve made because this can decide the future. It can change your friends, yourself, your life.
Friends are a big part of your life. Sometimes small things can cause you to lose them. They get worried and tell you good from bad. They’re like your parents only you hang out with them a lot. If you don’t listen to them then they might start leaving you, doubting you, or just stop being your friend.
Out of all the wrong decisions I’ve made in my life if I could change the past I’d change the time my friends and I broke all the lights in palomino park. I’d change this because of the fine we had to pay. We also almost got kicked out of our apartment. After this incident just about everyone at my school knew about it. Most people stopped talking to me because they either decided to not be my friend or their parents some how heard about it and told them not to be my friend. My only choice was to start all over at another school. This changed me because I had to make new friends, a new reputation, and a new me. This example can show how much one decision can change everything.
If I could change the past I’d change a lot of things. Sometimes wishing and working for things doesn’t work. Going back in time would make the things you hate in your life go away. The current life you’re living could change dramatically whatever way you want it to change. If you had the chance the change your past, would you take the opportunity? Or would you let it go.

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