Monday, April 25, 2005

Why Are We Scared Of What We Don't Understand


The answer is in the question. Not understanding it is what scares us. When you don’t understand something you never know where it’s going to lead you. There are million reasons on why something can seem scary. We usually judge things without knowing what they’re about and a way to judge is by being scared.
We get scared of what we don’t understand because we’re not quite sure of what we’re getting ourselves into, we’re not very comfortable with change, and feel insecure of putting ourselves in situations which we won’t know what the result is going to be.
When we do something we know that there is a consequence and we either do it because of how it’s going to result or do it knowing that it’s not going to turn out to well. If you study for a test you’re positive that when ten we’re no the time comes to take the test you pass. We always want to know how things are going to result ahead of time.
Another reason that follows into this is that we’re afraid of change. If we want change we change for the better but if we’re not sure how change is going to effect us. When we’re not sure whether we are going to adjust or not that’s when we begin to fear.
Putting ourselves in situations that we don’t understand what they’re about is just like wanting to adjust to change. I mean we never know how things are going to turn out. If we’re caught in a bad situation we worry and wonder if things are going to work out.
When we understand or at least have a clue then we won’t be so afraid. We get scared of what we don’t understand because we don’t know how it’s going to affect us.

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