Monday, April 25, 2005

howdy hi I'll be your friend until the end

Have you ever been afraid, or surprised? Have you ever wondered why? Has there never been a logical explanation? If you never want to be afraid of something again, then let me show you how to overcome fear in this essay witch will explain why you are afraid
The main but not only reason people are afraid of things is because they don’t know what it is or they don’t understand what it is. It is just like being afraid of the dark, yes that is the perfect example because you do not know what is or could be in there what could happen. Another good example is being afraid of heights, you’re afraid because you do not know what is going to happen. Now you’re probably wondering what the other reasons are, well one other one is
You know what it is but you don’t know how to beat it or you know you can’t beat it. Like if dinosaurs came back we would be afraid because we know what it is but we know we can’t beat it. Another good example is being afraid of a bully, you know he can be beat but you don’t know how so because of that you’re naturally afraid. So that’s where heroes come into play, we pretty much worship them because they do what we cant or don’t want to do .Now I will tell you the last reason people are afraid
Is because you weren’t expecting it. You well it is basically getting surprised, you are afraid because you did dent expect it. Like being at a surprise party the only reason you’re there is to surprise the other person and see there reaction to the surprise. And from the person getting surprised, the reason he is surprised is because he did dent expect it. Or you’re surprised because you never thought it could happen and the person could never get there and surprise you
So now you can never be afraid of the dark dinosaurs or heights or anything again, or be surprised or unexpectant. BOO

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