Monday, April 25, 2005

going in time

If you have made a mistake in your life you probably want to fix it by going back in time. How would you change it? Why would you change it? Would you change it? Going back in time could your help your life like being nicer to my family so I don’t get yelled at as much, get outside more to play less video games, and to read more to get better L.A. grades and to become a better reader.
One of the reasons why I would like to go back in time is to be nicer to my family. If I were nicer to my family I wouldn’t get yelled at as much. One thing I could do is not to argue with my mom. She just gets madder and madder when I argue with her. When I am having fun my sister comes to where I am and gets me to argue with her and then makes up a story to tell on me. My mom and dad will yell at me even though she made it up My dad hardly ever gets mad at me so we get along real well. He does get mad me now and then we I argue a lot with him. My dad doesn’t yell he wont help make with my homework but my mom will yell instead. That is one thing that I would go back in time for to help my life.
Another important reason that I would go back in time for is I would go outside more to play less video games inside. If I played outside more I could get better at sports that I like to play a lot. If I play out side I could play with my friends outside to avoid getting in a fight with my sister. It seems like time goes twice as fast outside rather than inside. Playing a little video games are ok but too much can “rot your brain” so my dad says. Getting outside will help you become stronger.

Anther great reason for me to go back in time is to read more. I always got a B in L.A. class in elementary school so I am hopping for an “A”, this quarter. I would also be a faster and a better reader. That was the last of the reasons why I would go back in time.
Those will help me out a lot in my life. They could help your life so if we could go in time I would go in time for those reasons.

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