Monday, April 25, 2005

Reasons why Baskeetball is the greatest sport ever

Basketball is a famous sport played by many famous players like Carmelo Anthoney. Basketball is the greatest sport ever because you can get a scolarship, you can be the star of the game, and you could get a good exercise out of playing. More people should play basketball for an exercise.
Basketball is a great sport you can get scholarship. Basketball you can practice and get super good. If you join a league there could be a scout. A scout is a person who looks for good players to join their team or to get sponsored, they also look to see how good you are and what position you play. If you do get into a good collage it’s expensive but if you get a scholarship you get the education for free. In collage they have travel teams so you can travel to many different places.
In basketball you could be the star of the game. There are many rewards. One of the rewards is that you could get the MVP (most valuable player) where you get a trophy with MVP imprinted on the plate. Another one is you could get most shots made award where your name is mentioned on the TV. A lot. If you win the playoffs you get another award, it’s the trophy where it represents you were the best team in the NBA that year. Its important because you get to feel good about you self and you get paid a lot more than you salary at the beginning of the season.
Basketball is a great way to exercise. All sport is exercisable but basketball has most of all of them. In basketball you have to run which exercises your legs. When somebody shoots the ball you have to jump to get the rebound. When you pass and shoot you use your arm muscles. More unhealthy people should start play basketball to get into shape for chicks to like them.
After playing basketball you can join the NBA, you make tons and tons of money. But the important part is you can only join the NBA if you can work, run, pass, shoot and have fun. They judge you on your fitness and how good you play.if you can play, well the NBA might just want you on there team when the go to the draft. NBA will make you a better player and make you famous for the chicks.
Basketball is the greatest sport ever because you could get a scholarship, get major rewards, maybe join the NBA and finally attract all the chicks. That why you should play basketball the greatest sport ever.

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