Tuesday, April 26, 2005

time travel

There are a lot of things I would change in the past. If I changed the past it could have disastrous, or only minor consequences. Most of the things I would change would change a lot of other things like: peoples lives, history books, and my life, but, good can also come from this like saving peoples lives. There is also something that would just make me happy. I would change my history any day because; I did some things I would like to change, save some lives, and change major events in history.
If I could go back in time I would change some things in my past. Most of them are things that happened in elementary school. Everyone knew me as the kid with the most referrals at my old school. I would like to be known as the kid who helped out the teachers the most or the kid who got the best time on the 100 meter dash or even the kid who ate the most at lunch one day, any thing but the most referrals. I would change my referrals, my behavior, and my relationships with other kids and teachers. I would change those things because right now they are the only things on my mind, so is I could change them it would change my reputation at my old school. That is one thing I would change in the past if I could.
If I could save some lives in history I would. The lives I’d save are from 911.I would save their lives by telling them that they cannot go to work on 911 or they would die of an air plane crashing into the side of the building because of Osama bin ladin’s henchmen, but If you do save lives would you become a hero and screw up time?
The major events in history I would change are: 911, the battles in the revolutionary war, and the assassinations of presidents. I would change these things because our world would be a better place to live in and no one would die unless it’s because of old age.
These are some of the things I would change if I could go back in time.

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