Monday, April 25, 2005

Sports Matter


Sports are awesome. You need sports in your life to survive. We would big couch potatoes, but sports turn your life the other way. Sports create greatness within people. Basketball is one of those great sports. Basketball should be part of your life because it keeps you fit, it keeps you hydrated, and it teaches you about sportsmanship/teams.

I started basketball at the age of seven; it was for pleasure then. Now it is to keep me fit and for pleasure (but competition is getting harder so you can’t just play for pleasure). Since you have to run so much, going up and down the court again and again, you stay in good shape. It probably helps that I like to run or else I might be left on the wrong side of the court. To be able to play basketball you have to stay fit and to do that you have to eat healthy- so you have energy. Staying fit and healthy are great goals, and basketball is a great way to accomplish them.

Water is great. It quenches your thirst. Gatorade does the same, plus gives you the energy you need at the end of the last quarter, to score the winning basket. You have to have it so you stay hydrated. If you’re not hydrated during the game, you might start to get dizzy and see the pretty, little, colorful stars everywhere you look. In fact it doesn’t even have to be during the game, if you are dehydrated, it (getting dizzy and passing out) could happen in your own house. Basketball will prevent that though (in your house and on the court), you have make sure to drink lots of water, all the time.

Sportsmanship and teamwork are very important characteristics to have as a player and in your life. Basketball will teach you this because you have to click as a team or else you will be passing to the other team. You will have to have good sportsmanship so you don’t get thrown out of the game because of turning around and knocking someone’s lights out because they stole the ball right out of your hands. You just have to relax, let it go and play on. Basketball will teach you this and bring you closer with you teammates and opponents.

You need to stay healthy and fit all the time. You should stay hydrated all the time. Plus know how to be a good sport and play as a team. All of these wonderful things can be accomplished by basketball. Basketball is obviously a great sport (or any other sport for that matter) and should be in your life. . . soooo try it!

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